

My Point of View

Here is what I found out about weight-loss:

  1. I believe that the general conversation around weight loss is mostly not going to help you, sadly.
  2. I do not believe that anyone chooses to be obese.  I think it is a condition, like depression.  Yes, you can find ways to support yourself and change certain aspects but you don’t really beat it, you just get better at handling the struggle, building and strengthening support so it doesn’t run your life as much (emphasis on: as much). It is also similar to depression in that a good amount of people think you’re just being lazy by giving in to it.
  3. I do not believe that people who don’t struggle with weight loss know how to help you, but they have a lot of great information for you.  I learned a lot about myself and my relationship to food by asking thin people to open up to me about their relationship to food.
  4. It is easier for men to lose weight than women, so i take their advice with a grain of salt.
  5. Take everyones advice with a grain of salt.
  6. I think we who struggle with weight are blinded by wanting to be thin so bad,  we focus on what it means about us that we are fat, rather than the actual physics of losing weight.
  7. No diet is one size fits all. From what I see, you have to find what works for you.
  8. If you have struggled to keep weight off, you will always struggle. The general mentality is pretty unrealistic. How many people do you know (make a list – I love lists to prove or disprove theories) lose weight and keep it off. Start with your family. Then your friends. Then co-workers. Then whoever is left.

Here is what I believe guides me personally on a daily basis:

  1. I realize I may never lose any more weight and its okay.
  2. Acceptance, education, patience and self awareness is another key.
  3. Beware what you share with others (well-intentioned people have gotten in my head and have triggered a lot of doubts, backslides, binges I didn’t know if I could stand it) and remember people mean well.
  4. There is no urgency when it comes to weight-loss. And urgency won’t work.
  5. Even if I hate being fat today and perhaps have a moment where I hate myself for being fat  I don’t think it’s right to think that about myself.
  6. I am doing this for me. You need to do this for you. Ugh, so preachy. I didn’t do it for me for the first eight years, i did it only because i wanted a man to love me.  See my post “I Had a Dream”.


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